Written by: Joshua Lim
Published: Nov 5, 2022

Screenshot of some of the attendants during the 2022 ACENet Symposium - Remember, Retell, Resist & Annual General Meeting - October 29, 2022
The event started with a powerful keynote from Dr. Roland Sintos Coloma, Professor at Wayne State University and ACENet Co-Founder. Roland led a critical conversation that helped the attendees think about Asian solidarity and addressing exclusion while moving towards inclusion in our education system. Attendees were able to ask questions to Roland and reflect both independently and collectively in moderated groups.
Prizes, in what now seems to be a common occurrence, were randomly selected for attendees. Congratulations to our winners: Abby, Elaine, Felisa, Jason, Rose, and Susan!
Annual General Meeting
During the meeting, reports on the previous AGM were given by the outgoing President; Treasurer; and Secretary, a constitutional amendment was made to the leadership nomination process, and new executives and committee chairs were voted in!
There following executives were voted in:
Sandy Yep - President,
Virginia Pang - Vice-President,
Nanadee Sawh - Treasurer (returning)
Joshua Lim - Secretary (returning)
The following Committee Chairs were voted in:
Sara Leung - Leadership & Professional Development (returning)
Rizwana Kaderdina - Leadership & Professional Development (returning)
Linda Kwan - Teaching & Curriculum
Philip Qian - School & Community
For more information on the incoming executives, check out the About Us page and hover over the different individuals to see their bios and commitment to ACENet. Check out our Committees page, and feel free to contact the different Chairs to learn about joining.
As per all ACENet events, the event concluded with a voluntary social time. The ACENet team looks toward the next two years to continue creating and hosting the multitude of workshops, webinars, initiatives, and resources just as their predecessors. We bid a heartfelt thank you to our outgoing members:
Kien Luu - President
Melvin Low - Teaching & Curriculum Chair
Thank you to everyone that attended. We look forward to seeing you all at our next event!